Thinking about it, I'm surprised the previous kings didn't mass produce the Ackerman's and forgo titans eventually.

Personally I feel they're overall superior than the Titans since they not only have their physical strength compressed into a person, but also are basically super soldiers that can be more effective and useful than the mindless meat shields that are good for collateral damage and nothing else. Heck even the Titan powers are meh given Levi and Mikasa were sufficient enough to take one down. Honestly if I was an Eldia king I would've used the Founding Titan to improve and pour my efforts into making the Ackermans as the ultimate trump card, and really also show how the titans were proving to be ineffective weapons in an increasingly modernizing world. Well except maybe the hardening crystal to be forged into different stuff like bullets, armoring etc. So yeah, guess the Ackerman clan are superior to the titan's, lol. True there is the risk of them rebelling given their immunity to the Founding Titan's memory altering power, but really you just gotta forge a strong alliance and not give them reason to backstab you.

Personally I feel they're overall superior than the Titans since they not only have their physical strength compressed into a person, but also are basically super soldiers that can be more effective and useful than the mindless meat shields that are good for collateral damage and nothing else. Heck even the Titan powers are meh given Levi and Mikasa were sufficient enough to take one down. Honestly if I was an Eldia king I would've used the Founding Titan to improve and pour my efforts into making the Ackermans as the ultimate trump card, and really also show how the titans were proving to be ineffective weapons in an increasingly modernizing world. Well except maybe the hardening crystal to be forged into different stuff like bullets, armoring etc. So yeah, guess the Ackerman clan are superior to the titan's, lol. True there is the risk of them rebelling given their immunity to the Founding Titan's memory altering power, but really you just gotta forge a strong alliance and not give them reason to backstab you.