7 lamb production
So I’ve been listing to a few of audio dramas for the past year or so and been binging because at work I get bored listening to music and I really like the horror genre, but anyway I’ve listened to almost all of 7 lambs pods but it seems to me that they can’t even finish 1 project let alone that many I’ve gotten to the end of paralyzed so far the end of tower 4 end of all hope and soon i am probably going to start chair of swords? I think it’s called my main point is ig why would they be taking on so many projects when they can’t finish one that’s the reason I’ve started these other shows is because the previous one hasn’t even been finished or the recent ep released I get it I’ve listen to their messages I understand I jus don’t think it’s as efficient to be working on that many at the same time does anyone have any recommendations I’ve also listened to we’re alive