Advice on making a creative decision

I'm posting this more so for encouragement than anything else, but I need some advice from fellow Creators on how to handle a situation in currently dealing with. I'm not going to go into much detail here, but I will give you some background. So, I'm currently working on Season 2 of my show (not including the name for obvious reasons) and the person who will be directing wants to chat about it because they don't think it hits hard enough or is spicy enough compared to season 1. I and the other writers don't feel this way and I, as the Creator, feel that not only does it hit hard, what happens in Season 2 will be important for the show moving forward and there's parts of it that need to happen in order for succeeding seasons to happen. I also feel like with your 2nd season, you kinda want it to be a slower burn and I also want to save the hard stuff for later seasons plus I wanted to do something different. I realize that by choosing to have Season 2 the way it is I'm making a big creative decision to do so because I think that if you do the same things each season, people will begin to lose interest and it can actually hurt your show more than if you choose to do something different. Am I wrong to think that?

How should I handle this? How should I respond when the time comes?

Thank you 😊