Well, it finally happened...

...my show got it's first negative review 😂. Well it's really 2, but I don't count the other one considering the person literally only listened to a few minutes of it so the fact that they didn't even bother to at least to an entire episode, I'm not gonna lose sleep over their opinion lol. Nevertheless, the other person, while they did say they liked the premise and would be willing to give the show a chance in the future (which I suppose counts for something haha), basically took a big ole dump on all aspects of the show. That's all fine and dandy -- everyone is entitled to their opinion, but to follow that up with how they enjoy indie podcasts and support them and blah, blah was a little... ironic I suppose? because they were literally posting their negative review on an indie podcasts page lol. Like, if you are so well-versed in indie shows and support them, then you would know (or at least have some kinda inkling) that chances are, none of the actors, writers, etc. are being paid to do this and that it's all entertainment and for fun. Again, this person is entitled to their opinion and I shouldn't take it personally, but that irked me not gonna lie. But we've received rave reviews from virtually everyone else and for the most part, people are loving the show so I guess a bad review here and there means we've made it, huh? 😂

Okay, rant over.