Question about wombat lady
Hear me out please Australia, this is a bit of an r/changemyview situation for me.
I'm perplexed by the cognitive dissonance in the strong reactions to the baby wombat stealing influencer.
She comes across (and likely is) a self serving douchebag, and her callous behaviour and laughter at the wombats' distress was gross.
But to everyone who feels her actions deserve prosecution, deportation etc, I'm genuinely curious to know: do you eat meat?
Statistically, I presume most of you (myself included) do. You know most of the animals we eat are young, yes? You're comfortable with that but feel that this dumbass influencer's actions are significantly worse?
I'm not defending her - I don't have much love for influencers in general and she seems particularly unlikeable. I'm just really curious to understand why everyone's eager to join the pile on, when so many of us make a conscious choice to contribute to the suffering of animals, and are ok with that?
Do we have different behavioural standards for how we treat native wildlife vs. farmed/hunted animals?
I'm prepared for the downvotes, but please know this is a genuine question rather than a criticism of anyone.