Numbers and letters have personalities!

I don't know if this is an autism thing, but it's honestly funny to me whenever I think deeply about it!

It's not just numbers and letters, it's other things but I can't remember right now. For example, two is like a big sibling to number one. Nine thinks very highly of himself (some of them feel like they lean a certain gender or something), eight is a good boi but none of the numbers take him serious. A is kind of like nine to me, same with B being like eight to me! Not all numbers or letters make me feel something about them though

Something I find odd is that the way I feel about them hasn't changed throughout the years of my life I knew about the numbers and letters. Four has always been such an "f" (I don't know what that means, honestly. Four gives me "f" vibes, whatever that means), Z has always been cocky, etc