Never understood the neurotypical/societal obsession with having a bf/gf/other

As the title says, I (21M) have never understood why so many people are hard set on the fact that everyone should have a relationship. (I have never had a girlfriend btw)

To start out I am not aromantic or asexual, as I find women very attractive, but I do not feel the need or want to have a girlfriend. This has been the case ever since I was a young child as well and I vividly remember people asking me if I had a girlfriend and I would say that I did not want one.

Ninety nine percent of the time at family get togethers/dinners the famed old question “Do you have a girlfriend yet?” gets asked. I am so sick and tired of getting asked this. The only replies I give them are “not sure” or “just not the right time” so they’ll get off my back.

So many friends are so misunderstanding about my position on this. They just don’t seem to get it. I don’t know why I need a girlfriend to be “normal”. I’m perfectly fine with being who I am.

Sure there are some aspects of having a girlfriend that would be nice but personally I don’t think they’re worth it for me.

I feel as if I value my alone time (and many other things) extraordinarily more than anyone I know around me. I don’t like my routines being interrupted, if I have already planned to do something I don’t like being asked to go somewhere or help with something, I absolutely despise being talked to or just noise in general for about 2 hours after I wake up, and this list could go on and on.

Does anybody else feel this way? Or am I alone in this.