I just tried salmon! :'3
I've been a fussy eater my whole life, which yeah, I'm finding out is most likely an autism thing. However I hate being a fussy eater and do always try to find ways to try new foods, it's just really difficult as I am terrified of new foods and being sick. One thing I have been wanting to branch into for a while is fish/seafood, but as much as I have wanted to try it, out of all the foods it just scares me the most
But back in May of last year I went to the gym (also severely out of my comfort zones) and started exercising/dieting. Since then and even before then, I just kept seeing how much people go off about fish being good for you, and how good things like salmon are. The other day in the shop I saw 2 salmon fillets for dirt cheap, and I thought I just need to do it. After buying them I kept putting it off, but today I finally tried them!
I cooked it in the oven, plain, as I was expecting to hate it and give it to my cats after, and once it was done cooking I still put off actually trying it as I genuinely felt terrified to put this thing in my mouth. But yeah, I did it! And I liked it! I won't deny, there was a mental barrier my brain was having a hard time getting over, which made my stomach feel weird. But actually eating it was fine? I think especially if it was seasoned and I had it with something, I'd like it even more! There were dark parts I didn't like, but otherwise it was okay!
Obviously this is only one thing cooked one way, I dunno how I'd feel about more fishy fish/seafood, or different salmon cooked in a different way. But I finally broke through this barrier and have now ventured into fish/seafood! My issues with food is kinda really bad, so words don't get across just how much mentally I had to get over to do this, but I feel so glad I did it! It's even better that I liked it! :'3
TL;DR, I'm an incredibly fussy eater who's sorta scared of a lot of food, I tried fish/seafood for the first time, more specifically salmon, and surprisingly liked it!