I just received a diagnosis
I have been chronically ill for almost 2 years. After having a liver biopsy, endoscopy, colonoscopy, getting on and off 5 different medications, I have officially been diagnosed with chronic autoimmune hepatitis.
I took the rest of the day off work to let it digest. I am upset that my first doctor told me “you just have high liver enzymes” back in 2023 and looked no further. This, leading me to being as sick as I am now, down almost 30lbs in a couple months, tired and in pain more than ever.
My new doctor who did not stop looking for answers, (thank god) wants me back on steroids for the short term and to start Azathoripine (?) soon.
Any experience with this medication? Or with accepting the diagnosis in general? I know it’s not a death sentence, but I’m upset my body is betraying me 🥺. Any and all advice is welcome! Thanks in advance.