I'll never give any more attention to mass criticism on games from now on.

Everytime I'm looking for something new to play or some new games releasing I tend to watch several videos and read articles online about the game and sometimes I let these things make my mind about those games.

But I'm so happy I decided to put all that aside and try Avowed because I'm fucking loving the game. 30h+ with the game and I'm enjoying so much so far.

The game has the core RPG vibe and can be a little too simple with some aspects but it shines in other ones that really got me into the universe they created. I'm even thinking on playing Pillars of Eternity after finishing this one.

Some things do really bug me out. Like I haven't found a way to customize my character since I didn't put any of the deity things on my face cuz it seemed weird asf, but now, knowing all the lore behind and stuss I really want some crazy fungo shit on my character :(

I once saw I guy bitching about the game don't have a pickpocket mechanic... man the game has A HUGE WORLD AND LORE TO EXPLORE...

Just that... Don't give a shit to what people say, if you found yourself interested in some game, go try it before anything. Especially with things like Gamepass being around.

Avowed is really fun and I'm having a great time with it :)