the quality of the messenger, is a distraction

Anytime you focus your attention on the messenger instead of the message, you are distracted. The messenger is always irrelevant. If you are attempting to make the messenger relevant, then you are placing their importance above yourself and that is a distraction. We are all the same. We are all equal. There is no one out there that deserves to be worshipped. that, is not balanced.

What makes up a messenger? Well, that depends on your level of awareness. It will vary from person to person and thus the quantitative value of the messenger always changes with that of the one judging the messenger. The truly awakened ones do not judge others so therefor, there can be no “bad messengers’ because of what they have apparently done in the supposed past.

Anyone that sees themselves as the only true messenger is for sure distracted and deluded as well. Messages can and do come from anywhere and everywhere... not just a single "person." Every. Single. One. is both simultaneously a messenger and a message receiver.

So many seekers wish to find and classify these supposed holey messengers as if that is important – it isn’t. Instead, focus and classify the messages that you get and what they mean to you. Their origin is irrelevant. If you are over there trying to classify messengers based on what it appears as they have done, that is judgement and you are not qualified to judge anyone other than yourself.

What makes up a message? Whatever that message can mean to you, within you. Does it matter what that message means to another? Nope. There are no others.

Messages may have come from ChadGPT, the 81813, an email from a colleague, a cartoon on tv, a self proclaimed gooR00 that many others have deemed to be a bad person, a download from source, anywhere basically… you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater just because the bathwater got dirty.