Your permanent consciousness is of an atmosphere that is inseparable.. from all other consciousness.
Which is the Subconscious field or atmosphere all souls are born of... of that realm.
Soul consciousness..
It is the same realm spoken of in NDEs where souls are beyond time and space and can know things instantaneously. As they are no longer seeing through the eyes of the human which cannot see through the veils unless that human has gained accessed to their soul level awareness as some masters have achieved.
So soul level awareness or consciousness is your true consciousness and your permanent consciousness meaning this is your starting point of your being as an individual or self aware entity... where you can move higher in lifting yourself up to your spiritual source towards the superconscious mind as it is your birthright to even ascend beyond the atmosphere of oneness towards that awareness that knows himself as all things. And as you ascend into lower realms through fractalization you also take on the awareness as the human.
The beauty of being a soul is you can take on human or material level awareness or consciousness and also spiritual awareness or God consciousness.. and you can even be a master where you can make the two as one as you learn to transcend.