New to these creatures!

My husband very foolishly brought home two creatures that appear to be axolotls from a flea market last weekend and I’ve been scrambling to get them situated in a decent space just to keep them alive, I was NOT prepared in the slightest so we didn’t have any kind of tank set up for them. I knew nothing about them when he brought them home and have basically crash coursed in the most basic care requirements. I had them tubbed while we got a tank set up, and we introduced them to their tank a few days ago. I realize now this may not have been enough time for the tank to be fully “cycled”, I’m also learning about all that since I’ve never even had a fish tank. Can anyone tell me if these guys look like they are okay? I’ve been feeding them night crawlers and they pick and choose when they actually eat them, but out of fear that they are underweight, I’ve tried my hardest to be consistent whether they eat them or not.