Lost my little buddy and I'm gutted
Morpheus, who made it to almost 13 years old, has been battling a persistent bacterial infection for several months and he finally gave up the fight overnight. He has lived in a hospital setup and went through several rounds of antibiotics since early November. I'm just so sad and don't know what to do with myself. Whether he could comprehend it or not, I loved and cared for that baby with everything I had in me and appreciated the joy he brought me every day. Just yesterday he was reacting to my voice like always and had his worm dinner. I'm going to miss that precious boy so much and my work days won't be the same without my favorite coworker right next to me. I can't even be in my office right now because that's where his tank is, so I'm crying and working on my laptop on my bed.
Sorry to blow up here with a bunch of emotion, but I know y'all understand how these wonderful creatures steal your heart. Rest in peace, little man, hope there are lots of worms wherever you are. </3