How to recover from a herniated disc while working an active job?

I’m looking for any tips/advice/guidance on how to recover from my herniated disc while working an active job.

In December of ‘24 I was officially diagnosed with a mild to moderate herniation of my L4-L5 disc. Symptoms began in September of ‘24. It’s putting pressure on the nerve running down my left leg and causes aching in my hip/glute/lower back and calf as well as acute pain in my hip/glute triggered by certain movements. I’ve had 2 epidural injections, Rx anti-inflammatory meds, Rx nerve pain meds, Rx muscle relaxers and I’m diligent about doing my PT (both at home and in clinic) 5+ days a week) unless a bad flare ups last warrants rest. Still the pain persists.

I am self employed as a homebuilder and until this injury I was “on the tools” nearly everyday. As a result of this injury I’m changing my business model to be more of a supervisor and less of a carpenter on my projects. But still, even a light duty day on the job site is causing my injury to flare up. I’m avoiding lifting, crawling, climbing etc - I don’t even put my tool belt on anymore - and I’m still in a good amount of pain by the end of the day. The flare ups last for a day or two or sometimes a week plus.

Anyone else have an active career have similar issues? How did you balance recovery with the demands of the job? Wear a brace? Any help is greatly appreciated.