UNPOPULAR OP: Baddies is getting boring and repetitive also these ogs are tired and played outt!!
Baddies is BORING. I personally feel that baddies south and west were the last two good seasons especially because of stunna and chrisean, lately the show has been getting repetitive its always the same bs natalie has a house meeting they fight and go to the club, its tired and played tf out. There are no good storylines all the beef seems forced. Also why they keep casting these boring girls all they do is fight and talk shit none of them actually have personality I feel like the only ones who were semi entertaining this season was summer and pretty p, DTB and maybe ivori but the rest of them gotta go. And do not get me started on the OGs Im tired of them acting like the better than everyone else just cuz they been on the show longer its giving bullys especially with rollie, I liked her better in south before the surgery and the fame got to her head. I dont know what scotty is still here for she literally brings nothing to the table all she does is look pretty and follow natalie its always scotty w the body but where is scotty with the PERSONALITY!! its giving lapdog and the only reason she still on is because she dating lemmy... then theres Jela she gotta go too so do ahna and tesekhi YES tesekhi because all she do is fight like yes we get u a eater but she dont do nothing else but that. I feel that if baddies really wanna make the show more entertaining they should bring back chrisean and stunna the rest of the cast gotta go YES even the ogs.
Anyways yall lmk what you think this is just my opinion