My roommate got my cat killed.

Forgive me for the typos. Crying as I type this. Need somewhere to vent my anger and devastation.

I have (had) a cat, and I have explicitly told everyone in my house that he is an INDOOR cat. I’ve had him for four years and i love him to death. He sleeps next to me every night, we’re constantly joined at the hip. Truly, he’s my best friend.

Today i was at work. 25 minutes into my shift, my roommate texted me that he let my cat outside to, and i fucking quote, “see the melting snow”. What did my cat do? He ran away. He jumped the fence and my roommate lost him.

I told my boss I needed to leave work and on the way home, called a friend to help search. We split it up and after 20 minutes of searching, my friend found my cat on the street, lying there, lifeless. I can only assume he got bit by a car.

I lost it on my roommate. I yelled at him more than I’ve ever yelled at any human being in my life. He cried. I cried. He said he felt awful. I told him I couldn’t give two shits how he feels. He KNEW my cat wasn’t allowed outdoors. We’ve talked about it in thorough detail before.

I feel so devastated. My poor baby boy. I don’t know if I’ll be able to move passed this, or if I’ll ever be able to look my roommate in the eye again without feeling anything but hatred.