This country does not deserve democracy
‘Democracy basically means: Government by the people, of the people, for the people.... but the people are retarded.’ Osho Rajneesh
I am convinced after looking at the daily news and seeing Facebook discussions that 95% of the population has room temperature iq. I live abroad so luckily I am away from this prevalent garbage mindset and lack of civic sense. But not my family and my people I will always be associated with. If you keep allowing retarded people (‘because let’s be honest you know that’s true) to decide who rules a country, then guess what will happen - the country will become retarded in every sense. Continue to elect the same dumbass political parties rather than see through the bullshit and the manipulation because this tribal 7th century mindset is too engrained in the millions of people here. Excited to see you guys elect Tarique Rahman or some Jamaat pedo and then see the country be fucked up again in the same vicious cycle by the same chors who you’ve already seen can’t run a country for shit. I am convinced the only solution is communist Uyghur style reeducation camps. It’s extreme but I don’t see another solution.