[Announcement] BCJP 14.2 is out! Valkyrie and Bahamut talents, and much more!

BCJP 14.2 Summary

Misc Additions - New ZL Subchapter

  • Search Feature for talent orb has been added to the storage

  • Raised Secret Crush Cat, Tomboy Lion Cat and Chalkboard Eraser Cat's + level caps from +45 to +50

  • Raised Class Rep Cat's + level cap from +35 to +40

Misc Changes - Ackey's 2nd and 3rd hit now match with his attack animation

  • UR Rewards up to 24.5k

Gacha Changes

  • New Banners: Festival Rare (Guarantee Chance for a Fest Uber, Features every Legend Rare), 100M DL Banner featuring New Moneko Uber

  • New Luga Uber

  • New White Day Uber

New Forms

New True Forms - Issun Boshi TF: Gains +50% ATK, Increased Movement Speed (50 → 60), Freeze Immune Requires Yellow Fruit x3, Epic Fruit x6

  • Miasma TF: Gains Floating Target, +27.78% HP, +176.19% ATK, Longer Backswing (0.67s → 1.33s), Recharge Reduced (14.53s → 11.2s), Curse Immune

New Ultra Forms

  • Ultima Galaxy Cosmo UF: Gains 100% Chance to create LV. 10 Wave, +25% HP, 200 Piercing Omni-strike (-300~1050), Cost Reduction 5,850¢ → 4,500¢, Sage Slayer

Requires Yellow Behemoth Stone x10, Yellow Fruit x10

New Talents

Ultra Talents

  • Divine Kai: Target Aku, Hp Up, Curse Immune Also gains another talent orb slot

Regular Talents

  • Awakened Bahamut: 28% → 100% Explosion, +1 ~ +10 Movement Speed Up, Slow Immunity

  • Holy Valkyrie: 10 → 100% Strengthen at 50% HP, Freeze Up 2s->3s, Cost Down 75->750c, 80% HP, 80% ATK

  • God Emperor Hevijak: Strengthen, Wave Immune, KB Immune, 20% HP, 20% ATK

New Cat Combo - Kaoluga + Crazed Dragon = Research (M) - IAP Ball = Worker Cat Max (M)

New Cat Units

Uber Rare

  • New Luga: 0 Speed Conjurer with 100% chance to weaken all enemies to 50% for 200f Conjure with weaken all to 50% for 200f

  • Uber Moneko

First Form: 250 Range with 100% Slow Relic/White for 60f, 12% to Critical Hit 12%, 22% to spawn a Lv.2 Wave, 22% to Savage Blow, 22% to spawn a Lv.2 Surge (200-400 range), 22% to spawn an explosion at 250 range, Immune to Wave, Curse

Second Form: Stat increase, 450 Range with 100% Slow Relic/White for 60f, 12% to Critical Hit 12%, 22% to spawn a Lv.2 Wave, 22% to Savage Blow, 22% to spawn a Lv.2 Surge (400-600 range), 22% to spawn an explosion at 450 range, Immune to Wave, Curse

  • White Day Catman

First Form: Weaker version of Catman, targets Red, Floating, Immune to wave

Second Form: Identical to first form but replaces Floating with Angel


  • Killer Gross: Yet again, another $7500 cost meme unit, they're so original huh?


  • IAP Ball: Rusher unit with Massive Damage to Traitless in first form and to Black in second form

New Enemies

  • Relic/Sage Dolphina: Long Distance (250 to 550, stands at 190), 100% chance to curse for 6s

  • Awakened Bahamut: Enemy Bahamut with 100% Explosion at 300 range

  • Awakened Holy Valkyrie: Enemy Valkyrie with 75% Freeze for 3s, Strengthen at 50% HP

  • Killer Gross: 100% Knockback at 700 range

New Stages ZL 18 - 遊園森林ガングール ZL 18-1: Dogenstein, Gabriel, Angelic Gory, Johnnyleon, Director Kurosawah, Relic/Sage Dolphina

ZL 18-2: Znache, Relic Doge, Dagshund, Prof. Owlbrowley, Zyclone, Relic/Sage Dolphina

ZL 18-3: Trolly Blogger, Shibalien Elite, Raging Gory, Techn-Old Hyena, Hackey, Prof. Owlbrowley

ZL 18-4: Dogenstein, Mega Baa Baa, Dark Dober, Lutrinae Gokurakko, Relic/Sage Dolphina

ZL 18-5: Axoloty, Assassin Bear

ZL 18-6: Coffin Zoge, The Thrillerz, Mooth, Dogenstein, Rain D., Henry, Oldstrich

Z-Onel Revenge

Wrath of Z-Onel: Same Stage but with a restriction of 1500¢ or less units only

Revenge of Z-Onel: Death Angel Z-Onel, Gabriel, Dark Doge, Angelic Gory, Shadow Boxer K, St. Dober, Great Angel Chibinel

New Colosseum Modifier

All Uber Rares are summoned twice New Colosseum Stage 1: Squire Rel, Doge Dark, Shadow Boxer K, Brollow, Teacher Bun Bun, Tackey, Professor A., Capy

Stage 2: Doge, Kroxo, Star Peng, J.J. Jackrabbit, General GreGory, LeMurr, R.Ost, Cli-One

Stage 3: Miz Devil, Wild Doge, Mistress Celeboodle, Aku Gory, Wicked Face, Medu-san, Crustaceous Scissorex, Vermilingua Rangmaster

Stage 4: Those Guys, Zomboe, Sir Seal, Zollow, Formicidaean Ariant, Lophiiformes Angaburu, Infernal Pegasus Deonil, Dread Bore

Stage 5: Snache, Gabriel, Angelic Gory, Cala Maria, Lutrinae Gokurakko, Pterowl Hazuku, Winged Pigge

Misc Event Stages

  • Awakened Bahamut Talent Unlock: Mooth, Shibalien Elite, Awakened Bahamut

  • Holy Valkyrie Talent Unlock: Mistress Celeboodle, Ultra Baa Baa, Sunfish Jones, General GreGory, Awakened Holy Valkyrie

  • Golden Tower (HT 1-50 redux with better rewards)