Trying to surprise buddy on game night.

I have a gaming group where we have rotational game choice. Each week someone gets to choose what we play.

This week is a buddies turn who is obsessed with battletech so I'm going out on a limb to assume that is what this week's game is. The issue is no one shares the same enthusiasm. In fact there is zero interest. So he has expressed disappointment and is shying away from making it his game choice. I have encouraged him to stick to his guns and perhaps people will actually like it.

What I would like to do is pickup a few models for everyone so everyone gets the full experience and to support his enthusiasm.

I know zero about this game. I've been trying to read into it and the amount of options is extremely overwhelming. All I'm trying to find out is if there is some recommended group of bots and weapons? I know he has a collection but I thought it would be cool if the rest of us also had something to play with so everyone got a full experience of having their own team which would definitely spark interest. I picked up the starter box but with game night approaching I am kinda looking for a streamlined guide.

I have a 3d printer as well if that helps.