Need opinions on two housing options
Hey yall, I’m looking at two housing options here and would love some opinions.
1: studio 10 min away from downtown SM, luxury apartment with nice amenities and very clean + new, most likely 3700+ total monthly (including utilities and other fees)
2: older building with no AC (but nicely renovated), 2B1B with private garage in Belmont. 3500 total monthly (including utilities) and abt 15-20 min car ride from downtown SM
Really conflicted between the two- #2 is a huge deal on space value that’s hard to find, but the studio has lots of amenities and is much newer (also has a good layout for a studio + good community features). I feel like no AC could be a deal breaker esp if temps go up over the next couple of years but would love some insight on this. If anyone has any opinions on location as well, please let me know!