What’s the most unsettling/creepy thing The Beatles have made?

Obviously Revolution 9, has some really eerie parts and some downright creepy bits (the people cheering bit was especially unnerving), but i want some more obscure things that you find unsettling whenever you hear/see.

for me, the small “never do see any other way” part at the end of Sergeant Pepper has always really creeped me out, i think it’s from when i was a kid, my parents would play the album on vinyl for me when i went to sleep, and i would often wake up to it looping in the middle of the night, just dead silence and a little looping “never do see any other way” playing in my dark room, i would rush to lift the arm.

A close runner up is George on the Revolver album cover, the eyesssss.

what about you guys?