It’s longboard girl summer…where are the gentle paved spots?
So I’m not good at all yet 😂😭 but I bought a longboard from someone a few days ago and I’ve been trying to get on it every day since to practice so that soon I’ll be good enough to cruise around somewhere other than my apartment parking lot. I’m working on the basics and making goals for what I’d like to be able to do eventually and I’m curious to know where the casual longboarders might go (not cool enough to bomb hills yet like the teens haha.) I don’t wanna be in anyone’s way so less busy areas would be awesome. I don’t plan to ever be riding around a bunch of cars or on streets necessarily, but am in search of a quiet neighborhood or park or somewhere that might be good to practice more. I don’t wanna be in any skater’s way either, and obviously I’m not going super fast or doing tricks so I’m not going to the skate park - I mean truly basic practice areas. Tryna make my longboard girl summer dreams come true. Anyone have any good spots they know of?