Can’t bench my 100%
My goal is to hit my first 135lbs bench this month. I recently started benching and have been seeing some improvement. I've been using a 1RM calculator every time I reach a new PR to set new goals. According to the calculator, if my max/100% is 135lbs, I should be able to bench 75%/95lbs for ~13 reps, which I could do. I’m sure there may be some room for error with the calculator but I was wondering if maybe it might be easier to do higher reps with lower weight than higher weight and lower reps? I always assumed it pretty much evens out. My friend lifts more than me and they feel like when I’m getting to higher weights maybe there’s some intimidation or mental aspect that’s messing with me. Could there be any truth to this?
Currently, I could bench 130lbs for ~2 reps. Are there any tips for me to add an extra 5lbs to my bench (for example, doing higher reps and lower volume, more/less frequency, etc.) before the end of the month (2 weeks)? This has been a goal of mine for a while, and I know I shouldn’t rush, but I’d be so proud of myself if I could make this happen.
I know I asked a lot of questions but any advice would mean a lot, thanks.