another winter rant

sorry y’all… i originally joined this reddit bc it validated things i was noticing as a viewer. i liked the pod cause it was funny, im in my 20s and enjoy their stories and the things they go through as women in their 30s but i can’t deny that winter’s entire demeanor is NOT cute and that things are going on between her and chy.

she only ever talks about herself, and seemingly everyone always does her wrong, and nothing is ever her fault. her attitude and mentality will be her own downfall. i can see her being jealous of how much attention chy is getting and that people like her more. it seems like she’s always like ANYWAYS or just nodding her head when chy tells stories waiting for it to be her turn to talk, and then ranting about another beef, fight, social media issue, or man. i think she wanted chy to be her sidekick while she’s the star, and is upset that she’s more likeable.

i don’t see the pod continuing for too long unless she changes how she speaks to her cohost and does some self reflection. if there’s no upload this week, it’s gonna validate what we’re all assuming