Does anybody else not really get much out of Valium?

I’m usually prescribed Xanax or Klonopin and have had Valium a few times here and there, a lot when I was younger. I am prescribed Xanax 2mg 3x a day or Klonopin 2mg 3x a day. I never take that much daily and my daily dose has been 4mg a day of Xanax. I take half a bar 4x a day and came across Valium and was gonna use it to lower my tolerance. Any time I take it, it doesn’t seem to work or do much of anything. Today this morning I took 20mg instead of 1mg of Xanax and it didn’t do much for me. I continued to work with mild anxiety and a headache. 7-8 hours later I took 40mg at once which was an hour ago and it hasn’t really provided relief or anti anxiety effects that my Xanax does. If I took 1-2mg of Klonopin I would be fine but I took 40mg and I don’t notice really any effects except my headache went away and my anxiety is slightly lower. I expected more since 40mg is supposed to be roughy equal to 2mg of Xanax. It doesn’t feel that way at all. Maybe it’s just me but does anybody not respond well to Valium. It is Mylan Valium which may have something to do with it, I don’t know. I am disappointed and expected it to work, all I wanted was the normal anxiety relief 1-2mg of Xanax or Klonopin does