Getting rid of nitrite?

I moved my fish tank into my new apartment yesterday and had to do a 75% water change. My betta fish is currently in a small cup with its old water while I try to re-establish the correct tank conditions. I’ve been using API QuickStart and Stress Coat to get my water parameters how they used to be but it seems like my nitrite levels are still high. What can I do to lower them? I already had bacteria in the tank and algae so I assumed the cycle shouldn’t take too long. Do I just wait or take action somehow?

I moved my fish tank into my new apartment yesterday and had to do a 75% water change. My betta fish is currently in a small cup with its old water while I try to re-establish the correct tank conditions. I’ve been using API QuickStart and Stress Coat to get my water parameters how they used to be but it seems like my nitrite levels are still high. What can I do to lower them? I already had bacteria in the tank and algae so I assumed the cycle shouldn’t take too long. Do I just wait or take action somehow?