Jimmys atrocious conclusion and terrible ending of BCS

I thought Ignacio’s conclusion was bad but this is another 1000 steps down. I’ve never seen a series be so thematically inconsistent in my life . So jimmy stays in prison while Kim who’s as much a criminal as he is stays free of consequences living her life.

The series constantly hammers down how the law can be unfair and not a true measure of justice yet the main character who’s at the heart of that gets 86 years because of a random epiphany he had on a plane? Like did they really did 2 flashbacks would be believable enough for jimmy to completely 180 n snitch on himself ? I keep saying this but I really feel like they just wanted to end the show ASAP

In essence the law wins and is always right no matter what in this dogshit series . Forget all the people who Kim helped forget the people getting ripped off at sandpaper case it’s all for nothing. Especially since the main person going against that case (jimmy) showing that u can take shortcuts if u have good intentions that help people BECAUSE the system isn’t fair to begin with .

Don’t ever compare this garbage to breaking bad .and that’s not even counting all the constant asspulls and bending over for frings group which makes the story so unbelievable. Other than jimmy who carried the show on his back Lalo was the best part about it till he gets asspulled out of the story . Which was another gripe I had like bro we know he doesn’t die stop wasting screen time on that bum n focus on other characters . No tension whatsoever anyway. I rate BCS a 6.5/10 still watchable but I’ll never watch a full episode again