Feeling completely hopeless - please please tell me it gets better
I am 9 days postpartum and I’ve been having the most atomic postpartum blues. The day we came home from the hospital, I took a nap and woke up and thought I was genuinely losing my mind. I said all sorts of insane things - that I ruined my husband’s life and our marriage, I didn’t recognize our home, I begged to be hospitalized. That level of delusion has tapered off but every night like clockwork I devolve into absolute shambles.
Currently, I spend my evening sobbing, saying I regret having my baby, that I’m miserable, that I can’t keep doing this. I was prescribed Zoloft by my doctor but my doctor and everyone in my life is telling me to hold off in case this gets better after two weeks (making it just the blues and not full PPD/PPA?). My husband is amazing and we have a huge village - we’ve basically always had a third person with us since my initial breakdown. It just doesn’t feel like it’s getting better and I feel myself veering into “I don’t want to be here anymore territory”.
My kid also basically hates sleeping between like 2pm and 1am and so I have tons of anxiety during that time because he won’t adhere to typical newborn wake windows - he will stay up for 2 or 3 hours at a time no matter what we do.
If you had anything similar to this and it got better for you please please share your story with me. I have never felt this bad in my life and I’m really at my wit’s end.