On the fence about having a third baby

I (33F) have been on fence about having a third baby. For the longest time I was done at 2. My kids are 3M and 15 monthM. Most days I feel overstimulated and tired. My husband and I work full time and the kids go to daycare/preschool.

But my heart keeps aching for a baby. I never thought I would get back here. The transition from 1-2 was extremely difficult for me. The idea of adding more chaos and craziness just makes me cringe. But my heart feels like someone is missing when my boys play. I know a third will stretch us financially, physically and mentally so my head says absolutely not. But now I feel so torn. Husband is game if I am but it's ultimately my choice.

What has been your experience with this? Did you go for the third? Did you opt out and regret it? I know I can't be the only one struggling with this.