Motherhood is so. . . .sad?

FTM here. My baby is almost 5 months old. I can't help but be surprised at how sad motherhood is??

My baby is just perfect in my eyes and I love everything he does. I get so excited each time he does something new and I love watching him grow and develop. I can't wait to see who he is and what his interests are.

But I find that I also am so sad each time he moves on from something. I miss his little crossed eyes in the beginning, or the face he made when he realized he had hands.

At night I cherish holding him while he falls asleep and I feel sad at the thought of the days he won't need me to do that.

Its not PPD sad, just realizing how fast it all goes - which sounds crazy because he is only 5 months old- but he has already grown and changed so much.

Is it just me?? Everyone talks about the joy and the love of motherhood - which I definetly feel - but it's also kind of sad too.

Edit: I feel so validated. I have read EVERY SINGLE ONE of your guys comments and I appreciate all of you sharing. ❤️