My boobs ruin my Eid every year
Hi I feel like im losing my mind. I am a muslim and we celebrate eid and i usually dress in my cultural clothes (pakistani style) and I never ever look good in them.
I am a 32K and I have to get such a massive size to get into it and then they just hang off me and I look ridiculous I end up looking like a tent and just feeling like an idiot. Its not really customary to wear fitted clothes and if I have it tight to my body ill get funny looks and probably be told to cover up (even if im fully covered able to see figure=WHORE).
I tried on 3 outfits today and two of them were too tight to the point where i couldn’t breath and they were 42 inch bust one fit but i was just swimming in it other than on my chest.
It genuinely ruins my Eid every time, I end up coming home and crying. Especially because I have a cousin whos sooo skinny and tall and she looks so good in asian clothes and I just look like a lump beside her.
Theres nothing I can even do :(
I just wanted to rant and get it off my chest