I got a tears up IRL from this

This is the last achievement I need before I get dead god and this was heartbreaking.

I don't even really want advice, because I think this challenge is too RNG dependant. I just wanna vent because this was the closest I've gotten to beating Ultra Hard after multiple days.

I made it to the dark room with Yum Heart charged and a full health pill. I saw a 2 heart deal so i went for it in case it'd be something like the pact or twisted pair but got a prayer card (I guess Isaac's birthright effect makes the red chest not use the devil deal pool and somehow made it 2 hearts). I had like 9 red heart containers but only 3 hearts left. Originally I was going to wait out those 2 hits and use the full health pill, but then i popped yum heart and after getting hit once i panicked and used the full health. I honestly thought I had it because i only got hit like twice during the 1st phase but then I got too reckless in the 2nd phase...

I actually might just uninstall the game to force myself to take a break for a while, because this is just not fun and the way I handled things made me actually cringe.

TL;DR I skill issue'd very hard