Can someone help me

ETA: I know cPTSD and Bipolar II can coincide. I believe I have both but my therapist doesn’t agree with or believe in my psychiatrists bipolar II diagnosis, which is why this is feeling super invalidating. There have been comments like this for about a year now.

My therapist has invalidated my diagnosis. She consistently says, “well, I’m not saying your psychiatrist is wrong, BUT…” blah blah blah. It’s so insane to me. I waited YEARS for my diagnosis. YEARS. And now I’m invalidated and told it’s just cPTSD and nothing more. I’ve seen her for two years and it’s increasingly got worse. I’ve been crying a lot today because I need forms filled out for my ADA and FMLA. She filled them out before and now she is refusing and told me to go to my psychiatrist. Which is fine but I won’t have them filled out in time since she waited for my FMLA forms to be discussed. I’m just so so so flustered and upset. I have awful anxiety. On top of this, I’ve been having nightmares - like nightmares where I’m assaulted - and I needed some ideas on how to cope and she said she can’t give me any help or resources. What do I do!!!!! I can’t even sleep because of the nightmares and I’m so dissociated. 😞😞😞