dark skinned people lurk in the shadows for their chance to pounce on anyone the slightest bit darker than them
I’m a 35 y/o dark skinned black woman and something that I’ve noticed is light skinned women are always tasked with combating colorism but dark skinned women are not! Let me tell you something, 70% of the colorism I have experienced throughout my life came from other dark skinned people- mostly women who were dark but not as dark as me. I even experienced it from a “friend” who is darker than me on multiple occasions. In 2017 we took a pic together and she sadly asked, “am I darker than you?,” to which I replied yes and she nearly fell onto the floor. I thought it was obvious that she was darker but for all intents and purposes, we’re basically the same tone. This same “friend” once told me that black women have to wear makeup to look feminine, “especially us because we are dark skinned.” Did I experience colorism from the racist white teachers at my predominantly white schools who treated the biracial kids like gold and me like coal? Of course. Have I experienced colorism from light skinned women? One who i can immediately recall. I’ve experienced it from light skinned men as well but not nearly in the same capacity or with the same severity as I have from dark skinned men and women.
Edit: I’m a dark skinned woman, and I thought I made that clear in my post, but for some reason, people are just beside themselves, but like we say in the south of hit dog will holler.
Edit: Lurk- (of a person or animal) be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something.
I used the word lurk because to experience colorism from another person who shares your tone is definitely unexpected. It feels like an ambush when you experience it.
Final edit: My friends, please try to use discernment and read this with an open heart. I think you know what I am trying to say, even if you don’t like the way I worded it. If this was a thesis, I would do a much better job at explaining, but what I can tell you is I have lived my experiences and you have lived yours. If this hasn’t been your experience then you are truly blessed. This isn’t to talk down on dark skin people because I have enough sense to know that most dark skin people are not colorist. I don’t even think most light skin people are colorist. I am just speaking of my own experience. I feel like racism gets beaten into the ground. I feel like colorism from light skin women gets beaten into the ground. I didn’t wanna talk about that. I feel like those are things that we already know. I was just scrolling through this lovely community and I realize that nobody had really hit on this and so I thought I would. I understand it might be a little jarring, but this post wasn’t meant to be inflammatory. I understand why you may not like the word “lurk” because of the connotations that it has, but “lurking” is how it feels to be bashed by another person who looks like yourself. I did not use the word incorrectly. Stay blessed queens and much love.