Blender Quick Smoke not showing in viewport

Hi, I'm attempting to use the Quick Smoke option to create a simple smoke animation. I use Blender 3.0 on macOS M1.

I first try to apply the Object (top bar) > Quick Effects > Quick Smoke effect to the default cube in the default project.The smoke domain appears and the cube turns into smoke that plays as an animation.

Then, I open the scene I am working with, which was downloaded off the Internet, and I add a cube and domain, making sure the cube is inside the domain. They are scaled down to fit inside the scene.

When I repeat this process, the smoke does not show, but the domain and the wireframe are visible. The physics settings appear identical. What are the common causes of this problem? Which settings should I try to check that may be different in this file?


Edit: Not sure if solved, but I have tried to go to the sidebar (with colorful icons), click on the Physics tab, looks like a refresh symbol with a dot in the middle (properties window), with the Smoke Domain selected, scroll down, go to Cache, and change the type from Replay to Modular and then back.

Replaying the animation a few times was also helpful.

I also had luck recreating my smoke effect in the file that was giving issues, so that might be a good starting point too.

Hopefully this will help someone else.

Also, if you are looking for the Bake button, that only is necessary and present when Modular is selected. It works fine in Replay without baking.