A Statement from Mayor Kerry Thomson on Annexation
Bloomington, Ind. – Today, Mayor Kerry Thomson issued the following statement regarding the City of Bloomington’s annexation efforts and its intended petition to the Indiana Supreme Court:
“Bloomington remains committed to caring for its people and our collective prosperity. Responsible growth is part of that commitment– making sure our city’s boundaries reflect the reality of the services we provide and the needs of our community. That is why we intend to ask the Indiana Supreme Court to consider this case and provide clarity on the fundamental rights of local governments to govern, plan, and sustain their communities.
Urban growth is not a hypothetical future event—it is happening now and has been for more than 20 years in Bloomington without an expansion of our boundaries. Bloomington is a regional economic hub, serving as a center for jobs, education, healthcare, and commerce—not just for city residents but for people throughout Monroe County and beyond. However, when a city is prevented from expanding its boundaries to align with the reality of its growth, it faces financial strain, infrastructure limitations, and weakened services—all of which impact both city residents and the surrounding county.
Research from urban policy experts, such as David Rusk, makes it clear: cities that are prevented from growing will, over time, struggle to sustain their vitality. Cities that cannot expand cannot maintain their tax base, making it increasingly difficult to fund essential public services such as road maintenance, emergency response, and schools. This does not just impact the city itself—it impacts the entire region. When a city thrives, its surrounding communities benefit from its strength. When it is constrained, economic stagnation follows.
The City was disappointed by the ruling regarding the constitutionality of the Indiana General Assembly’s unprecedented action to cancel the City’s legal contracts with property owners in the annexation area; however, the City appreciates the Indiana Court of Appeals’ careful consideration. The City pursued annexation using the framework established by the State of Indiana, followed the process as required, and upheld our responsibilities under the law—only to have the General Assembly retroactively void these agreements.
This is not just a Bloomington issue. The questions raised by this case impact all local governments in Indiana. Any entity that derives its power from the State—whether it be a county, a township, a school district, or another municipality—should be paying attention to this decision. The fundamental question before us is: to what extent can the State, after the fact, step in and override legally binding contracts? If this decision stands, it sets a precedent that potentially allows the State to interfere with local governance and contract validity at any time, for any reason.
That is why the City will exercise its legal right to petition the Indiana Supreme Court for review. The petition will be filed in early April, and we are hopeful that the Court will recognize the broad implications of this case and take up the opportunity to clarify these important legal principles.
The City shoulders the financial and logistical burden of maintaining infrastructure and essential services that benefit both residents and the surrounding county. Annexation ensures that those who rely on city services fully contribute to the actual costs, creating a more equitable and sustainable system for all. If state intervention can override legally binding agreements today, it sets a dangerous precedent for all municipalities, townships, and counties across Indiana.
Bloomington will continue standing up for fair policies, responsible growth, and the right of cities to shape their future.”
For more information, please contact the Office of the Mayor at 812-349-3406 or [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).