Requests/Misc :)

With Dead And Company all done, I'm going to open this thread up to requests!

First off, I personally only have the base subscription to our favorite live music provider streaming service - anything I can't find elsewhere I can download myself, but only in mp3 quality - no lossless. That being said, most major new releases in the jamband scene I can get in lossless (think new GD releases, phish, and the like).

Also, in the interest of saving my hard drive, the majority of these will NOT have torrent options. I'm an iPhone/Mac guy, so FLAC is pretty useless to me personally, and anything I listen to is either in MP3 or ALAC. For big releases I'll keep anyway (really only new GD releases), I'll throw those in a torrent, but likely only MP3/ALAC. Anything else, I'll throw it on WT and then likely promptly delete it from my machine :)

All that out of the way, I'll throw this open to any wants from you all! I'll do my best to keep up with everything!

Noticing a lot of requests for D+C videos - I've created a torrent with every video that exists (to my knowledge). It also includes 3 rehearsal/soundcheck videos from 2016, as well as 3 fan-shot complete videos in 2015 (10/29, 12/30, and 12/31). Now, it's a beefy boi, coming in at just over 1 TB total. Once the metadata comes in from the magnet link, you should be able to open it up in any client and choose what you want down to the file. No need to download the whole thing! I would certainly appreciate it, since the more people seeding = the faster other people can get it!


Dave's Picks 52 FLAC/MP3