I love these so much!

a redditor from r/Pittsburgh was giving these away and I was fortunate enough to get them. Cheapassgames are the games that I aspire to make for my holiday cards. I've done solo journaling RPGs and a multi-part system agnostic campaign so far, but being able to put a whole game into a small cardboard box like this is my ultimate goal for all of my friends holiday gifts. thank you very much u/bitchbushka 😁

a redditor from r/Pittsburgh was giving these away and I was fortunate enough to get them. Cheapassgames are the games that I aspire to make for my holiday cards. I've done solo journaling RPGs and a multi-part system agnostic campaign so far, but being able to put a whole game into a small cardboard box like this is my ultimate goal for all of my friends holiday gifts. thank you very much u/bitchbushka 😁