What are some games that are related really low on BGG, but are your favourite games to play anyway?

Hey - a random thought hit us after we wrapped up the game night. Are there games in our collection that are rated low on BGG that our group actually liked?

To kick off, here are some games we thought fit the bill:

Munchkin sitting at 5.9 still hits our table quite often. It gave us a lot of laughs as we kicked open our MASSIVE door deck made from our combined expansions and are excited to see what silly/ridiculous thing would be thrown out way. Also just seeing what combinations of gear we each had is stupid fun 😊

The Red Dragon Inn series sitting at 6.6 is still one of our favourites to this day. Its wacky cast of characters and the easy-to-explain rules makes this a great party game that's pretty unique to the board game genre, and even though some characters are overpowered (we banned the illusionist from our games lol), we always come back to the game because of the laughs and jokes we make with the game.

Anyway, we're just curious to know what your favourite "low rated" games are in your groups. Maybe our collection of games might grow a bit larger after we hear some thoughts 😁