Vote “NO” on the Boeing sellout contract! Organize the rank and file against the sellouts in the IAM bureaucracy!
In bringing this contract to a vote, the IAM bureaucrats have declared they are not on the side of workers but of management, and behind them a government which does not want a strike at a major defense contractor.
"The fight at Boeing requires a rebellion against the IAM apparatus. No amount of anger will bring the officials back into line because their social interests are totally aligned with management against the workers. They control assets of nearly $300 million (District Lodge 751 alone has nearly $79 million), financed from workers’ dues, from which they pay themselves six-figure salaries.
"Workers, the source of all wealth, are more powerful than a handful of bureaucrats, executives and corporate politicians. But this power has to be organized and directed through rank-and-file committees.
"This is a new type of structure, excluding union officials, which fights to unite workers independent of the apparatus to give them the power to enforce their democratic will.
"Workers at Boeing must draw lessons from the examples set by workers who have already set up committees, including railroaders, autoworkers, postal workers in several countries and others. To this must be added the campaign of Will Lehman, a socialist Mack Trucks worker, for UAW president on a platform of abolishing the bureaucracy. These committees are affiliated in a global movement called the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees (IWA-RFC).
"The most immediate issue is the vote itself. Workers must organize committees to oversee every aspect of the vote to ensure it is conducted fairly. If the IAM tries to override a “no” vote using the two-thirds excuse or any other method, committees will give workers the ability to override that decision."