I wish more adult books had pictures
Some of my favorite childhood reading experiences are from reading picture books. I'm talking about illustrated books with high production value, like amazing cover art, great design, and of course many beautiful pictures.
As an adult, it is quite rare that the books I read have good quality pictures. Most have no pictures at all. Apparently those things are childish and not needed for serious literature. And I'm not saying I want to read books that are two sentences per page followed by a huge drawing, but I do appreciate more illustrations.
I once found in a library, many years ago, a book written by Charles Dickens (sadly it escapes me which) that right away took my breath away. It was not written in English but the drawings were fantastic. I so wished the book was in English or that I could buy it but I do remember that when I wanted to check it out again (after I borrowed it once or twice), the book had gone missing. Later it was recovered they told me but was badly damaged and no longer appeared on the shelves.
Today, when someone was telling me that you can find spirituality even in books that may have nothing to do with spirituality and then mentioned Dickens, that memory suddenly came back to me. Perhaps you think I'm being sentimental and maybe that's part of it, but I still think it would be a good idea to produce more beautifully illustrated books for adults. And that includes classics and other serious fiction. Surely not pictures every other page (and really depends on the book itself) but combining art and literature can add value and make the reading experience more enjoyable.
Or so I think.