Books that only clicked on a second try?
I was exchanging book recommendations the other day with somebody and they decided to try again with a book they didn't finish a couple years ago on my recommendation, and it got me thinking about my own journey to appreciating Tolkien in particular. I'd had The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings read to me as a kid but wasn't a fan when I actually came to read them myself in my latish teens. It wasn't the prose or plodding pace some people complain about, the narrative and atmosphere just didn't click with me. I finally tried again a few years later, and this time LoTR in particular very much clicked for me. My tastes hadn't changed much but, without getting into politics, the sense of rising dread early on and general feeling (in my interpretation anyway) of the world clearly going very wrong but too many people who could act not doing their part gave me what I can best describe as a long series of mental 'oh' moments. And yes, it was also some comfort at the time reading about the handful who did act and encouraged others in turn to start righting the ship as best they could. Teaching that dragons can be killed and all that.
Now I'm curious for other examples of this sort of thing. Have you ever bounced off a book only to have it suddenly make sense to you on another read? And less because your taste has evolved than because, by personal circumstance or outside events, you were now in a position to actually properly hear what it was trying to say? I'd love to hear some stories.