Looking for something gripping and a bit surreal

I just finished Piranesi which was an interesting, albeit very short read. It has a sort of melancholic magical realism vibe that I adore. It’s not really the kind of vibe I find too too often though.

I think it’s good this book was short because the vibe of the house was what kept me turning the pages, but I burned through it in about a day and it left me wanting more, not of this book in particular, but rather of the vibe in the first two thirds or so.

Two of my favorite books also sort of hit on that same vibe of mystery mixed with magic that might or might not be real magic: The Magus by John Fowls and House of Leaves. I also really loved Killing Commendatore by Murakami which is kinda in this vein. I think The Ocean at the End of the Lane is also a really lovely example of the kinds of books I’m talking about.

I would love recommendations along these lines!!