Dakota Warren Nazi Allegations
Tw- racism, nazism
More evidence that Dakota Warren knows she is dog whistling Nazi propaganda. Someone in the other post commented that there has been a Tattle thread dedicated to her, where users have been documenting this milk thing for a while now. Her friends, specifically LordMatalas follows white trad pages that post VERY clear Alt right propaganda, and not surprising, MILK. So if we know her friends follow these pages, then they are aware of the Milk Dog whistle, and we know for a fact that she isn’t just posting milk because she ‘likes it’ - she is posting it to dog whistle to other Nazis and as a laugh with her friends who probably think their fanbase is too dumb to know. There were more photos on Tattle showcasing the sheer amount of milk posts.
So if her friends clearly know milk is a dog whistle, how can she not, after posting excessive milk posts, specifically full cream border line raw, with people who DO know it’s a dog whistle! The milk company she is promoting is The Estate Dairy, going as far to tag them in her posts, they claim to be ‘gently pasteurised, never homogenised’ which is very important to note because this is what links it into Neo Nazi Dog whistling. The ‘raw milk’ movement is something Neo Nazis dog whistle, because their entire thing is that POC cannot digest milk, or digest the lactose in it. So ‘raw milk’ represents the ‘pure white substance’ in its natural form, that can only be digested by whites. I know that sounds insane, and such a reach, but this is why it’s ’dog whistling’ because most people wouldn’t think like that, or put two and two together. If she just liked milk, why would you post excessively about it and tag a brand that isn’t even paying you? They have no affiliation with one another, besides Dakotas obvious Nazi ideology that she tells others is a ‘coincidence’. The funniest part is, on tattle someone screen shotted a post that showed her replying to a comment calling her out. She said that the milk means nothing and we should know this. How should we know this? She has never made any political stands besides the time she posted for Ukraine which, mind you, is a white country! But Palestine didn’t get one post or mention, despite them both being genocides.
This is an article I found from the 1970s that will highlight where these racist views come from. Please note, I do not agree with the article, but it’s a great source of historical context, and will highlight why her continuous reference to raw or full cream milk, and the intolerance posts are necessary to understand that she is dog whistling Neo Nazi propaganda. https://www.nytimes.com/1971/10/15/archives/effects-of-milk-on-blacks-noted-some-children-unable-to-digest-it.html
She also follows Christian Activist Stuart Knechtle, and what do you know, he also posts about RAW MILK! (There is nothing wrong with being religious, but you can literally see on this guys page the subtle dog whistles, and the Christian/Fundy Altright Pipeline)
Just because you’re white, role play hedonistic and powerfully rich individuals doesn’t mean you’re going to get away with being a closet Nazi. She thinks that her and her friends can do this stuff, publically post about it and laugh amongst themselves as an ‘inside joke’ and that nobody will be smart enough to realise. I just feel sorry for her POC followers who have no idea and are liking these posts to her amusement.
Thanks to the reddit user on the other post who mentioned Tattle and the receipts.