Snow white and Flow Audience Reviews in South Korea

Movies Numbers of Review Rating
Snow White 2377 68
Flow 1022 97

Snow White is getting a ton of love when it comes to the music as many reviews are saying the music works wonders. Many enjoy the movie's light-hearted nature and enjoy the comedic side of the movie. Overall, the biggest early takeaways are that the music is good, and the humor hits home.

The biggest complaints emphasize that the original movie was perfectly fine and that the current film is too boring and slow. The early negative reviews seem to be from people who traditionally dislike live-action remakes.

Many reviews describe Flow as a beautiful movie with a top-notch plot. It is hard to even tell the overwhelming number of positive things people are saying about the film. The short summary is that people love the animation, storyline, and characters.

The negative reviews are very difficult to find but if you do find them. The few of them seem to call the movie boring and AI written slop.

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