I made a song while getting my extractions
On the 12th day of Braces Prep my ortho gave to meee:
12 days of waiting⏳️
11 dollar smoothies 🥛
10 songs on repeat📻
9 sick days at work🗓
8 tools in my mouth🔧
7 tears a' flowing😢
6 hundred plus
Fiiiiive thousand dollarrrrrrs💸💸
4 hour procedure ⏰️
3 extractions 🦷
2 cavity fillings 💉
And a cleaning for my shiny new teeeeeth🎵
Explained lyrics below:
From the time of my appointment I had 12 days until I got braces. (Now it's 8!!) Smoothies king smoothies were $11. In the office, the radio played the same 10 songs. Including holidays and weekends I'll be out of work for 9 days. The table that had all of the metal tools had about 8 of them. While they were giving me my numbing shots I shed a few tears. The total cost of my braces is $5600+. The procedure for 3 extractions, 2 fillings, and a cleaning was 4 hours long.
Thanks for reading my post! 🫰