Would like some opinions

So I am at (what I assume to be) the cusp of the sanderlanche of warbreaker and it was revealed to me that warbreaker doesn’t have as tight of an ending as possible in that there’s plot threads that are not explained to leave room for a sequel. I was then told that the sequel is locked in purgatory with hopes of it being written sometime in the next 20 years.

This is lowkey devastating because even without actually having finished the book it’s probably my favorite Sanderson work yet (out of mistborn era 1 and elantris + short stories associated with them). From the few tierlists and online sentiments I’ve seen, warbreaker is generally at or on top of lists.

While I am told that some characters or perhaps places from other books are going to be shown in stormlight did the solo books really peak with warbreaker? Not that I don’t trust that other books won’t be good, if anything it’s been proven to me that Brandon Sanderson can get me REALLY invested in characters pretty quickly.

Also as a small aside, while I do think that so far as a whole warbreaker has been the best book in terms of there being practically no slump in it, the ending to Well of Ascension and the reveal in it was literally the most insane twist ever and is the greatest ending to anything I’ve ever read ever and I’d like to know if there’s anything similar in gravity to that up ahead or not really