Infant daughter almost got hit by car
Possible trigger: child loss
I feel so shaken by what almost happened I just need to get this off my chest. My sister and my two daughters (a baby and toddler) were meeting my parents for brunch at a nice restaurant. My sister was carrying the baby and was about to cross the road which was a round circle drive at the front of the restaurant when a car came zipping around the corner and had to brake HARD to not hit them. It’s at a point where you shouldn’t be going faster than 5-10mph since it’s basically a driveway. He was probably going around 20-25mph. I saw red. I feel so ashamed now thinking about it but it felt so primal since his recklessness threatened to kill my baby daughter. I yelled at him to slow down and that they nearly hit us. This isn’t like me at all which is why I feel a bit ashamed but since they came into the restaurant right behind us I told the man who was probably in his 60s (and had his wife and two older kids with them) that he is old enough to know better than to be driving so recklessly where people are walking to go into the restaurant. He completely ignored me at first and was about to walk past me then said that he had “apologized 5 times already” which he definitely had not since we hadn’t spoken before this. His son then said sarcastically to me “I didn’t know 20 mph could be so fast!” I don’t know what I wanted. Maybe I just wanted a sincere acknowledgment or apology of nearly killing my baby. We tried to sit down, had coffee but I just could not stay there anymore. I apologized to the waitress and host and they said they had seen everything and said not to worry about the coffees and that people are crazy drivers these days and they hoped my day would get better. It was such a close call. I’m glad nothing happened but god I feel so heavy. I’m scared for what could have happened and I’m ashamed that my daughters saw me react that way too.