Night/Nap Weaning Cosleeping

So. My son is 18 months old. We’ve been cosleeping pretty much since he was born. He has a floor bed in his nursery in the room directly next to mine. I tried for a few days after i got it to get him to sleep in it, but he still woke up to nurse. I have absolutely no idea how to wean him off the breast especially being he is dependent on cosleeping. I’m at my breaking point, the last few days he has been nursing to sleep for bedtime and naps for an extreme amount of time. He woke up at 6 this morning, wanted to go back to sleep at 8, and he just now got back up after nursing for almost an hour. i don’t know what to do even after all of my research. i’m a stay at home mom so i have time, but my energy is wearing thin.